Wednesday, June 27, 2012

ALL BY MYSELF ( with lyrics )

Where do I belong??

I feel like a square peg in a round world, no matter how hard I try I just don't fit in with those around me. It doesn't seem to matter where I go or who I'm with I just don't fit in. I'm not a mother, I'm not a wife, I didn't go to a fancy school or own my home-heck I don't even own a car, and my family acts like I don't exist (except when they need something). I'm too tall, I'm over-weight, I wear glasses and have absolutely no fashion sense(I barely wear make-up and couldn't tell the difference between a 20 pair of shoes from Wal-Mart and ones from a fancy designer). I don't want to be a clone but I would like to fit in. In my work world I'm out of step because of the fact that I am not in the same place as those that are my age,and I'm to old (and I really have no desire) to hang out in clubs and drink myself silly. I know some of it stems from the fact that because I read so much I tend to be a bit to "smart", I love learning and I love words, so I soak up new information and I have a larger vocabulary;which I know can be off putting but I seriously can't help it-I love to share the stuff I've learned, it's not to make anyone else feel inferior but because it's fun to share what I've learned. I want to be apart of things but at the same time I love getting lost in the worlds that my favorite authors write about. I get to explore the universe, fall in love over and over again and experience life in a way that isn't possible in the real world. But it does get lonely at times, people aren't mean on purpose they just don't feel comfortable around me and to be completely honest I'm not exactly sure why. I bathe, brush my teeth and wear clean clothes but for some reason people just don't get the warm and fuzzies around me. Guess I'll just go back to my little old cave and read my favorite books again. At least there no one shuns me. Night.