Thursday, April 26, 2012

Karma-she's a bitch

As we walk through life we make choices, choices that meet our needs and are not necessarily in the best interest of those around us. While I have made my walk I have selfishly stepped on the rights of others to meet my needs, I have taken things that were not mine to take, I have lied to hide what I did or who I am, I have made decisions for others that were not in my right to make because it served my needs. I wouldn’t classify myself as selfish but often I have taken the easy way or the way that best served me, without really thinking how these decisions would affect others involved. So to those that have been affected by my choices I’d like to say “I am sorry”. I know that that does not make things right nor do I expect to be forgive for any harm that my choices have caused to you. I believe that Karma has sought divine retribution for the wrongs I have caused whether it was intentional or not. And I believe that I will continue to reap that which I have sown. Because there is no way to reach all those that have been hurt by me I am putting this out into the universe in hopes that some how you will know that I am sorry and in the end I got what I deserved.

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